Working Together: Divorce & Separation with ‘One couple, One Lawyer’
This family service is aimed at assisting couples who are going through separation and divorce. Our approach focuses on collaborative legal guidance for financial resolutions and child-related arrangements, provided by a single experienced family lawyer.

Advantages of the One Lawyer, One Couple: Resolution Together
- Cost-Effectiveness: Our unified approach ensures that you both share the expenses of a single solicitor, eliminating the need for dual legal fees.
- Unified Solutions: With synchronised legal guidance, you can collaboratively address disputes, receiving consistent legal advice simultaneously. This minimises potential misunderstandings and inconsistencies in legal viewpoints.
- Court Avoidance: Our solicitor is dedicated to facilitating an agreement between both parties, reducing the necessity for court proceedings.
- Expert Collaboration: Depending on your needs, our process allows you to engage additional professionals who can offer specialised advice.
Challenges of the Collaborative Divorce Process
- Single Solicitor: In this approach, you share a solicitor. However, if you prefer, you have the option to seek separate legal advice.
- Communication Requirement: Effective communication and cooperation are essential in a separating relationship. Not all couples may find this process suitable due to its collaborative nature. Our experts will guide you through potential options that align with your situation.
Process Overview: From Enquiry to Resolution
- Initial Enquiry: A potential client contacts us through phone, email, live chat or the website seeking information about legal services.
- Handover to ‘Working Together’ Family Solicitor: We direct the enquiry to our skilled family solicitor.
- Scoping Meetings: Separate scoping meetings are arranged for both clients.
- First Joint Meeting (If Suitable): If found suitable, an initial joint meeting is scheduled. This session serves to identify necessary information for informed decision-making. Retainer letters are signed, confirming the nature of instructions. Meetings are scheduled once the retainer letters are signed.
- Progressive Sessions: A series of meetings unfold, encompassing discussions on financial documents and negotiation meetings to explore desired outcomes. Dedicated sessions on parenting plans for children occur as needed.
- Finalisation Meeting: A conclusive meeting is conducted, during which the necessary paperwork is drafted. This paperwork facilitates the formalisation of agreements.
- Alternative Options: If the collaborative approach isn’t deemed suitable, discussions occur during scoping meetings, and recommendations for alternative family services are provided if needed.
The Legal 500 Says:
“Emma Hopkins Jones leads the Leeds family team for Ridley & Hall, while James Cook heads up the Huddersfield office alongside Vicky Medd, who also heads the Barnsley team and the firm also works out of Pontefract. Alongside broad work regarding financial remedy after divorce, the team has a particular focus on advising women in such financial relief cases. This is complemented by the team’s domestic abuse expertise. The team has notable expertise regarding grandparents and kinship carers in children cases, for which Nigel Priestley was awarded an MBE in 2021.”
Our People

Emma Pearmaine
Managing Director
Vicky Medd
Emma Hopkins Jones
Karen Roberts
Zuzanna Taithe

Shelley Harper