Category: Wills
When can a ‘mistake’ in a will be corrected?
A headline in the Mail on 20th January 2023 is a classic example of not letting the facts get in […]
Inheritance disputes with difficult executors; what rights do beneficiaries have?
An online article in the Telegraph raises a very typical inheritance dispute situation; ‘Rebecca Smyth’ is due to inherit a […]
It’s Update Your Will Week 2023; How can Ridley & Hall help you
This week (23rd – 29th January) is Update Your Will Week, an awareness campaign hosted by Solicitors For the Elderly (SFE) […]
Which Will?
In cases involving the validity of a will, it’s perhaps obvious to say that the person bringing the claim should […]
How best to make provision for your adopted child in your Will
At Ridley & Hall, we provide specialist advice to adoptive families on a range of issues such as Wills. Many […]
Who are Executors and what are their duties?
Naming someone as an executor in a Will is an onerous duty, making them responsible for ensuring that the deceased’s […]
Son alleges will forgery by mother
Very few inheritance disputes where fraud or forgery is alleged end up in Court. So, a current High Court case […]
Let our family help your family save money – Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis Issues Warning to Couples Living Together
Martin Lewis, Money Saving Expert and Good Morning Britain TV Presenter, has issued an unpleasant warning to couples who live […]
When Should You Make a Will or Lasting Power of Attorney Document?
It is a common misconception that making a Will or Lasting Power of Attorney document is for ‘old’ people, but […]
What duties do trustees have towards the beneficiaries of a trust?
Trustee noun. A person having a nominal title to property that he holds for the benefit of one or more […]