Category: Will Disputes
It’s a Fake Will; Undue Influence and Wills
A challenge to the validity of a will is often accompanied by a deep sense of moral outrage. That was […]
How to use an injunction in a will dispute: a tale of two sisters, one estate and zero intention to pay
There are times when you need to fight fire with fire. In a dispute over money or a property if […]
The Will Judge’s Will; Valid or Not?
Lord Templeman was a highly respected High Court judge who laid down the ‘golden rule’ in the 1975 case of […]
Assisted dying and the law; why you can be disinherited for helping a loved one to die
A court case earlier this year has highlighted an astonishingly cruel quirk of the law, where a wife who helped […]
Disabled elderly lady not left enough money in her partner’s Will for a roof over her head
Imagine you (Mary) and your partner (Burt) have lived together for 15 years – you were not married and did […]
Two-thirds of Brits worry about fraud in care homes, survey finds
This article appeared in the Daily Mirror on Thursday 27th June 2019 – click here to view 63% of Brits […]
Are you being treated like a mushroom?
A beneficiary is someone who is due to inherit money or property from a deceased’s estate. As a solicitor dealing […]
The Wicked Stepmother Strikes Again … ?
A wealthy retired insurance broker in his 80’s who has dementia, has recently been the subject of court proceedings relating […]
Silver Splitters and Will Disputes
A trend of older couples splitting up could see a rise in will disputes, according to Sarah Young, a disputed […]
Inheritance Disputes – the Dementia Time Bomb
In the UK some 800,000 people are living with dementia; over 64,000 in our region. Rising property prices, the baby […]