Category: Will Disputes
Robert’s Fight: Land, Legacy, and a Will Dispute
Robert, a hill farmer who worked on the family farm, had always been promised by his dad, that he would […]
A Stamp of Disapproval: How Contesting a Will Can Leave You Out of Pocket | Blog
The case was “Neate-v-Heselden”. The dispute concerned the estate of Mr Ray Watts who died aged 90 in 2021. Mr […]
Financial Abuse; Language Lessons
What is a ‘win’ in litigation? What is the case about? How common is financial abuse? What is financial abuse? […]
Predatory marriage; what can we learn from the recent case of Langley v Qin?
The recent judgement in Langley v Qin has sparked widespread interest, attracting the attention of the national press. In this […]
Steps You Can Take If You Are Overdue An Inheritance
If you’re the beneficiary of a will and you have concerns over the executors who are administering the estate, you’ll […]
Can I Challenge a Decision by a Trustee?
What did a stuffed pike have to do with a court case over a trust? It was a factor leading […]
Backdated Bereavement Support for Unmarried Parents
At Ridley & Hall our will dispute team often acts for unmarried parents who have lost their partner. They may […]
Promises and Will Disputes
“The best way to keep one’s word is not to give it” said Napoleon Bonaparte. Wise words indeed, especially in […]
Can I Remove an Executor of a Will?
Usually, the answer to this question will be ‘no’. The circumstances under which an executor can be removed from their […]
Caveat; what’s that?
The word ‘caveat’ is Latin and means literally ‘let him beware’. In terms of will disputes, it means a notice […]